every adj. 1.所有的,一切的。 2.无论哪个…都,凡…无不。 3.充分的,一切可能的。 4.〔与数词连用时,可用复数〕每。 every one of them 他们全都。 E- one thinks in his way. 〔谚语〕仁者见仁,智者见智。 I wish you every success. 祝你事事如意。 every day 每日,天天。 every four days =every fourth day 每隔三日,每逢第四日。 have every reason 有充分理由。 every third man 每三个人中有一个人。 every bit 从每一点,全部,完全。 every man Jack =every mother's son 人人,无例外地。 every now and again [then] =every once in a while [way] 时时,偶尔,间或。 every other [second] 1. 每隔(every other day 每隔一天), 2. 所有其他。 every so often 〔口语〕时时。 every time 每次,总是;每逢,每当。 every way =in every way. every which way 〔美国〕 1. 四面八方。 2. 散乱(Rail-roads cross the country in every which way. 铁路四通八达纵横全国)。 in every way 在每一方面,从各方面来看。 not every…不见得。 (E- couple is not a pair. =Not every couple is a pair. 〔谚语〕成双未必能配对)。 ★ 1. all 是对复数普通名词的总括性修饰语。 every 是个别性的同时又是总括性的修饰语; each 则纯粹是个别性的。 2. every和 each 的意思都是“每一”或“每个”,但every更强调全体或全部,而 each 更强调个人或各别。 此外,every只作形容词,而 each 除了作形容词外,还可用作代词和副词。 3. all 和every虽有共同意义,但今日如说 “All are happy.” 仍不如说 “Everybody is happy.” 为普通。 4. every本应作单数处理,但在口语中因接用复数代名词而可作复数处理: Everyone of them took off their hats.
in hand (工作)在进行中,待办理; (工作等)在进行中;在控制中; (工作等)正在进行中;待办理; (工作等)在进行中;待办理; 弹出台外; 手头上有; 随时可用; 现有在手头;在进行中; 已经动手; 再掌握中; 在进行中,待办理; 在控制中,在进行中; 在手中; 在掌握中,在控制中; 在掌握中,动手中,正在进行; 在掌握中,正在进行
Notes of laughter continually interrupted the conversation on every hand . 四面八方,谈话声经常给一阵阵笑声打断。
On every hand was heard the complaints of women, the wailing of children, and the cries of men . 但闻四处妇女呻吟鸣咽,儿童失声痛哭,男子呼天喊地。
He could not fail to notice the signs of affluence and luxury on every hand 他不能不注意到来自各方面的富裕和奢侈的种种迹象。
From the top of the hill on the island we could see the blue sea on every hand 从这岛上的小山顶上,我们可以看到四周蔚蓝的大海。
We see on every hand the results of the farmer ' s toil and forecast in the ringtime 从每一位农民的手上,我们看到了辛勤劳作的成果和春天期望的实现。
We see on every hand the results of the farmer ' s toil and forecast in the springtime 从每一位农民的手上,我们看到了辛勤劳作的成果和春天期望的实现。
For everywhere the hair of the head and the hair of the face is cut off : on every hand there are wounds , and haircloth on every body 各人头上光秃,胡须剪短,手有划伤,腰束麻布。
[ bbe ] for everywhere the hair of the head and the hair of the face is cut off : on every hand there are wounds , and haircloth on every body 各人头上光秃,胡须剪短,手有划伤,腰束麻布。
On every hand , to her fatigued senses , the great business portion grew larger , harder , more stolid in its indifference 可每次碰壁以后,在她精疲力尽之余,这个大商业区显得越发的高不可攀,冷漠无情了。
On every hand curious figures were moving - watchers and peepers , without an imaginary circle , which they seemed afraid to enter - a dozen in all 四处都有稀奇古怪的人在走动,有观望的,有窥探的。他们站在一个想象的圈子外面,似乎害怕走进圈子里面-总共有十二个人。